Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Fall 2000                                                            Volume 1, Issue 4

If I Were Looking For A Church...

If you were "shopping for a church," what kind of church would you be looking for? Would you be concerned with location? Would the appearance of the building be a matter of importance to you? What about the size of the congregation? Would the kinds of cars the members drive be a matter of concern? If I were shopping for a church I would definately look for the following characteristics:

No Creed But Christ

The churches of men have their creeds, but I would certainly find a church that had no creed but Christ. Christ would form the very basis of what I believed and how I lived. Disciplines, Manuals, and Catechisms would be totally rejected. Those who affirm the need for a man-made creed should answer these questions: (1) Does the creed contain more than the Bible? (2) Does it contain less than the Bible? (3) Does it contain the same thing as the Bible? If a creed contains more than the Bible, it is too much. If it contains less than the Bible, it is not enough. If it contains the same thing as the Bible, it is not needed. To answer yes to any one of the foregoing positions would demand rejection.

Name Christian

The church where the members are known only by the name "Christian" would be of great importance to me if I were looking for a church, especially since the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch (Acts 11:26). Too, is the fact that "Christian" is mentioned three times in the Bible: (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pet. 4:16). "Christian" is a name, used only as a noun, never as an adjective. It is the prophetic name (Isa. 62:2). This new name was "named" by the mouth of the Lord.

Unit of Organization

To simplify my religious life, I would steer clear of churches with a lot of "pomp and circumstance." Spiritual complications are of no value to me. "Simplicity" would be a factor if I were looking for a church. The most simple arrangement a church could have would be a local arrangement, that means that the

highest unit of organization is the local church or congregation. I would not be interested in synods, councils, conferences, or missionary societies. The local church which practices "autonomy" would be most appealing to me.

No Book But the Bible

I am in full recognition of the fact that I am not all-sufficient. I need help. I cannot direct my own steps (Jer. 10:23). My conscience would demand that I accept the "Guide" that is superior to human intelligence. The only safe "Guide" that fits man's needs is the Bible, because it is the inspired (God-breathed) Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). This book would make me complete (Col. 2:10); it would provide me with everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). lf I were looking for a church, I would find the one that accepts the Bible as God's inspired, final and all-sufficient word. Nothing less than this would suit my needs as a traveler to eternity.


If I were looking for a church I would avoid churches where the congregation is ruled by the rich or upper classes; a single religious leader or democracy would not be sufficient either. A very simple plan of government is outlined in the New Testament. It calls for elders or bishops to rule, preachers to preach and deacons to serve (Phil 1:1). These officers would serve in their respective capacity because they had met certain qualifications outlined in the New Testament (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). If these officers did not exist, I would search out a congregation where godly, knowledgeable, loving brethren were allowed to lead the congregation in the right path. This governmental arrangement would make me feel safe and secure.


If I were looking for a church, the above things would be the criterion I would use in my search. I believe this is what God would expect of me.

Noah A. Hackworth
Visalia, Ca.

Page 1 - The Fruits Of The Spirit | Page 2 - Pornography |
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies | Page 5 - If I Were Looking For A Church |
Page 6 - Mission News | Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - Hearing Of Their Faith |
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations | Page 11 - The Children's Page |
Page 12 - Announcements |

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