Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Spring 2001                                                            Volume 2, Issue 2

The Children's Page
Allow the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. - Mark 10:14

Naaman Is Healed By God
Naaman Is Healed By God

In 2 Kings 5, we read about a man called Naaman. He was the captain of the army for his king and he was very brave, but he was a leper. The disease made him very sick and his skin was infected all over. A servant girl in his house told his wife about a prophet of God who could heal Naaman from his sickness.

So, Naaman’s king gave him a letter and gifts to take to the king of Israel and ask him to heal Naaman. The king of Israel said, “I am not God, I cannot heal you.” Then he sent the sick man to Elisha the prophet. When Naaman came to Elisha’s house, a servant was sent out to the man and told him, “Go, wash in the Jordan River seven times and you will be healed.”

Naaman was very angry and went away. He thought that the prophet would come out and do great deeds for him. He did not want to dip in the Jordan River, because that sounded too easy and because it was dirty and he knew that other rivers were cleaner.

When Naaman was leaving, his servant asked him, “Would you have done what the prophet told you if it was something hard? But, it is not hard to just wash in the river and be clean.”

So, Naaman went and dipped himself in the Jordan River seven times and he was cured from his Disease. Then Naaman returned to Elisha and praised God for healing him.

From this story, we learn that we must obey God if we want him

to help us. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that we must obey God first and then he will give us what we need.

We also learn that we must do things God’s way. If Naaman did not dip in the Jordan seven times like the prophet of God told him, God would not have healed him.

This story also teaches us that doing what God tells us is easier than doing what people tell us. The Bible says “we should obey God rather than men,” (Acts 5:29).

Cross Word Puzzle

1) When the captain of the army was told what to do, he went away and was very _______.
2) Who said that we must obey God first before He will give us what we need?
3) Who wanted to be healed from his disease?

1) What part of Naaman was infected from the disease?
2) What river was he told to wash in?
3) How many times was he told to dip in the river?











Page 1 - The Fruits Of The Spirit | Page 2 - Covetousness |
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies | Page 5 - Jesus Is With You |
Page 6 - Mission News | Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - Hearing Of Their Faith |
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations | Page 11 - The Children's Page |
Page 12 - Announcements |

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