Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Spring 2002                                                            Volume 3, Issue 2

The Christian Home

Let Us Be Warned

Ecclesiastes 12 teaches many lessons for the young. To these, Solomon advises to remember God and so serve Him while they can be abundantly fruitful (Ecc. 12:1).

There is coming a time when days will not be so bright, the stars will seem to dim, and pleasure will not be as keen as it is today (v. 2). The body will begin to shake, even though you wish it wouldn't. Backs that are now strong will bow and be weakened. Teeth that are daily laborers now will cease and rest as their neighbors have departed. Eyes that are sharp as an eagle's will dim, so memories will be prized (v. 3). Sounds that are distinct and unmistakable now will deceive, and silence will drown out the quiet sounds of God's creation (v. 4). Fear will invade the hearts of the fearless, as change takes place and adjustments must be made. The strong will be burdened by the smallest of tasks, indeed pleasure and desire will not be as now (v. 5). Finally, we will die and go to our long home. Our worth in the kingdom of God on this earth, as touching labor, will be as a broken wheel at the cistern (v. 6-8).

Our nursing homes are full of lonely, forgotten people that have had their youth replaced by the infirmities of age, as described in Ecclesiastes 12. Though they are cared for by health professionals, they are often forgotten by children, family, friends and neighbors. These elderly people still have memories, feelings, and the need to be loved. They remember family, while family has forgotten them. They are forced to take comfort in pictures on the wall. They continue to worry about son and daughter, niece and nephew, grandson and granddaughter, hoping that all is well with them.

The feelings of the elderly are hurt when they have no visitors, as others do, but they do not sulk when they finally receive a visitor. They are overwhelmed with joy to have been remembered! The visitor immediately becomes their closest friend, and their day has become bright. All is well for a while. Laughter reigns and conversation is abundant--of things old and new. There are no trivial topics. This day important!

The elderly need to be loved--not from a distance, but from the heart, and that being shown with a hug and a handshake. Human contact with people who have remembered them is a warm, comforting gift that could not be matched by silver or gold. The touch and hug of a child is a rare commodity in the nursing home.

A Word to Younger People. Have you forgotten the elderly in these good homes? They do not need a dry place to live--that has been provided. They need you! They need you to talk, hug, laugh and sit with them. They need you to read and study the Bible, pray, sing songs of praise and worship with them. They need you to listen to their troubles and to encourage them with smiles and words of comfort!

When congregations organize Bible studies at the nursing home, it is usually considered well-attended if ten people out of two-hundred are present to help. These homes are a part of "the world" that is included in the Great Commission of Mark 16:15-16.

Do you know a living relative that you have forsaken? How long has it been since you visited? It may be a grandparent or a more distant relative, but you still have responsibility. How long has it been since you visited a nursing home? Christians are to be tender-hearted, caring one for another. Maybe you've never given much thought to the needs of the elderly and to ways in which you may help them. There is work for all to do. Let us be about our Father's business.

Conclusion. The whole of man is to fear God and keep His commandments (v. 13), and the time that is most appropriate is in the days of his youth (v. 1). God says that we are to visit--see, inspect, fulfill the needs of the fatherless and the widows (Jas. 1:27). This is a thing which is good (Jas. 4:17). Judgment is surely coming (Ecc. 12:14; Heb. 9:27)--a just, righteous and truthful judgment. It will be based on our work and words, both great and small (Matt. 25:31-46). Let us remember those of old age in the days of our youth, redeeming the time.

Randy Mabe
LasVegas, Nv.

Page 1 - The Fruits Of The Spirit | Page 2 - Drunkenness
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies | Page 5 - Your Home Of Choice
Page 6 - Where Did The Bible Come From? | Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - From The Editors' Desk
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations | Page 11 - The Children's Page
Page 12 - Announcements

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