Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Spring 2004                                                            Volume 5, Issue 2

The Christian Home
Same-Sex Marriages

There is a well-defined movement in social and political circles to get approved same-sex marriages. This is not news, but God forbid that such a thing should become “legal.” Opposed to this movement are millions of us who do not believe that morals are an invention of society. Who are we? We are the people who pay our taxes, obey civil law, and support government that is in agreement with the laws of God (Acts 5:29; Rom. 13); we are fathers, mothers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, educators, business men and women, general workers, and peace-loving, concerned citizens.

The so-called same-sex marriages are not in the best interests of our country or the human family. Such marriages, if legalized, will eventually destroy marriage as God would have it. The human family, in tact, is the bed-rock of civilization (Gen. 2:24; 4:1; 18:19; Mat. 19:4-5; Mark 10:6; Eph. 5:22-33). People who condone same-sex marriages, lawmakers and lawbreakers alike, are people who have not only chosen to deny the right of Almighty God to regulate human behavior, but also the influence of the Bible on human life.

A relationship between two men or two women, may be called a “marriage,” but it is not if one accepts the teaching set forth in Scripture. In fact, a marriage between a man and a woman is not always a marriage. In the New Testament, Herod the tetrarch had taken his brother Philip’s wife. The Bible says he had married her (Mark 6:17). This was not a marriage in God’s eyes, it was an adulterous union.

We must remember marriage is not an invention of society. It is a relationship established by God Himself (Gen. 2:24). A “marriage” between people of the same sex is not only unauthorized by God, it is against nature. A man can never be a good mother or a bad one, as a matter of fact he cannot be a mother in any sense.

Adam’s help meet was not a man but a woman (Gen. 2:22-23). The New Testament supports this view in 1 Corinthians 7:1-39, where the chapter deals with marriage between a man and a woman. There is not a shred of biblical evidence that supports a marriage between people of the same sex. Have we forgotten that among the causes that effected the demise of the ancient Roman empire was the decadence of the home, and have we not learned that any civilization that repeats the mistakes of the past is doomed to experience the same fate and reap the same consequences?

It is high time that God’s people awake out of sleep (Rom. 13:11). It is time for them to rise up and go and stand and speak (Acts 5:20). Sermons and classes without number should be preached and taught in every congregation in defense of the home and family. Every congregation of the Lord’s church should be preparing the membership to meet the assaults coming upon the home. But of course a program of this kind must be perpetual. Our congregations are filled with people whose homes and lives are broken, many beyond repair. So many of our people and so many of our churches are totally unprepared to meet the tidal wave of unscriptural marriages Satan is sending upon them.

Elders, preachers, and members of the church must, as never before, take a stand against all unscriptural marriages, especially this same-sex syndrome. We (the New Testament church) have not yet had the latter in our ranks. We have not yet had to deal with it, but the future is certain to change this. Same-sex marriage is just another tool of Satan.

Noah Hackworth
Visalia, CA.

Page 1 - The Gospel of Salvation | Page 2 - Where In The Bible Will I Find...
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies | Page 5 - Is God Unconstitutional? Part 2
Page 6 - Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Part 2 | Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - Thoughts On Salvation
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations | Page 11 - The Children's Page
Page 12 - Announcements / Continuations

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