Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Spring 2006                                                            Volume 7, Issue 2

A Biblical Perspective On...

Most, if not all people, have to deal with discouragement from time to time. There are just too many events that happen in our lives that can sap the strength and or motivation from us. Webster defines discouragement this way: “1: To deprive of courage or confidence: Dishearten. 2a: To hinder by disfavoring: Deter. b: To attempt to dissuade” (Webster, New Collegiate, p. 326).

Experts say that 100% of the human population encounters discouragement. No human being can escape - at some point in his/her lifetime - a period of discouragement. For some, discouragement sends them into a downward tailspin and plunges them into clinical depression and perhaps even suicide. For others, discouragement is dealt with in a correct way and they are able to conquer it.

The Bible is certainly not silent when it comes to discouragement. Many Biblical scholars consider discouragement to be Satan’s most potent weapon. In order for us to understand what the Bible says about discouragement, we must approach the subject by asking three questions.

1) What are the sources of discouragement?

First on the list of discouragers is our health and/or looks. Those who continually battle aches and pains can be easily discouraged. Equally, people who are overweight or do not like the way they look can become discouraged.

Second is one’s job. Perhaps it is discouraging because of the people we have to work with (non-spiritual people who have no problem cussing or making fun of Christians and Christianity). It may be discouraging because it conflicts with one’s desire to serve God (for example, the job may conflict with worship times or Bible class). It also may be a cause of discouragement because it is a “dead-end” job and one feels trapped.

The third major source of discouragement is other people (non-family members). You might be discouraged because you work as hard as they do and they are prospering while you are floundering (thus you have envy and jealousy).

Or, it may be that others fail to appreciate what you do. Sometimes people at church are a discouragement because they do not live up to their Christian commitment. You see the church suffering because of their lack of involvement and interest in the Lord’s work. Equally, others might be a source of discouragement because you are unable to meet their unrealistic expectations.

Fourth, our family can be discouraging to us. Perhaps one’s wife/husband are not fulfilling God’s plan for them in the marriage. Or, our children may be creating problems that have added stress and worry. Parents get discouraged when their children do not respond to their teaching and training.

Fifth, sometimes we ourselves are our own greatest discouragement-causers. This happens when we do not accomplish things in our lives that we think we should accomplish. Perhaps we fall short of our dreams and aspirations. Or perhaps we “beat ourselves up” by doing and saying things that we later regret. It is biblical to “set the bar high” when speaking of personal goals (e.g. Matthew 5:48; Romans 8:29-30). Yet we also need to keep things in perspective (because we are not perfect – Romans 3:23).

Sixth, God can be a source of discouragement (at least perceived discouragement). This happens when He has not answered our prayers as we asked, or has not acted in the world/church/family as we thought He would (or hoped He would).

The correct answer: Satan!

None of the above factors have, in themselves, the power to discourage. Others have encountered equal (or worse) problems than you (see 1 Peter 5:8-9), but have not become discouraged by them. Why? Because discouragement is a choice and happiness is a choice. This is why Paul can tell us to “rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). It is a choice we make.

Think back to the last time you were discouraged. What great work did you accomplish? What difficulty did you defeat? How was your marriage improved? How was your relationship with your kids strengthened? How was your relationship with God strengthened? You know the answer - nothing good occurred while discouraged. Satan knows this!

(continued on page 10)

Page 1 - True Worship | Page 2 - True Worship (Cont.)
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies
Page 5 - Discouragement | Page 6 - Understandest Thou What Thou...
Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - A Remedy For Troubled Hearts
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations
Page 11 - The Children's Page | Page 12 - Continuations

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