Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Summer 2002                                                            Volume 3, Issue 3

Wrong Is Wrong (continued from page 1)

3. “Right” and “wrong” are not determined by what is legal. In the Roman world of the Caesars, infanticide was legal, but it was not moral. In some ancient cultures, a woman was not a person; she was mere property to be abused, or disposed of, at the whim of her husband. There are few who would defend the ethics of this custom. Homosexuality is legal, but it is moral perversion (Romans 1:26-27). The destruction of human life by means of abortion has the sanction of civil law, but the practice is abominable before the eyes of the Creator (Prov 6:17).

4. “Right” and “wrong” are not grounded in what a majority of the population “feels” is ethical. Jesus Christ is a King; He has not implemented a democracy to determine, by majority vote, how human beings ought to live. In the first place, man can never be his own guide. “O Jehovah, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). Second, fallible opinion, multiplied a thousand times, does not change wrong into right. Moses solemnly warned: “Thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil” (Exodus 23:2). It hardly is necessary to remind ourselves that the path of the majority is the way of destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).

5. “Wrong” is wrong, whether or not one is ever caught. In the isolated environment of ancient Egypt, separated from his kinsmen, Joseph might well have rationalized an illicit relationship with Potiphar's wife on the ground that his indiscretion would never be known by his family. His reasoning, however, was: “How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). There will be a time when the “skeletons come out of the closet” and “the chickens come home to roost.” Many things that have been perpetrated in darkness will be revealed in light, and secret evils will be proclaimed from the rooftops (see Luke 12:3). Secrecy does not sanctify!

6. “Wrong” does not become right by virtue of passing time. It is certainly the case that the public's conscience sometimes becomes dull with the passing of years, so that what once was horrifying eventually becomes commonplace. But wrong still is wrong, though a millennium passes. Eventually, there will be accountability (2 Corinthians 5:10).

Wayne Jackson
Stockton, Ca.

Fire, (continued from page 4)

us, "Let no man seek his own, but every, man another's wealth.”

To firmly hold a position on a matter of expedience or judgment is what we all do at some point. But, to divide, withdraw, and condemn others over such matters is senseless. The Bible tells us in Heb 10:24, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.” To get angry over expediencies and opinions is childish and petty. Indeed, a self-important person, who is willing to divide over trivialities, cannot possibly be pleasing to God.


Just as a real fire cannot burn without oxygen, a fire in the church cannot bum unless it is given air. Fuel and heat combined, set the stage for a fire and it ignites when both are given “air time.” This is accomplished through gossip, arguments, and nit picking within the congregation.

Even though it is healthy to talk about things that bother us, we need to remember the instructions of Jesus Christ to go to our brothers privately and quietly when we have problems with each other (Matt 18:15). If a matter is resolved between brethren, it should never be brought up again, especially to an uninvolved third party.

When someone asks, “Can you keep a secret,” it generally means that they cannot. Do not give a gossip or a contentious person air time. Instead, we must stop the mouths of those who would seek to divide the church over things that are simply not matters of faith and fellowship.

Additionally, we should teach and exhort the brethren to follow the inspired instructions of Paul to avoid vain babblings and foolish and unlearned questions (2 Tim 2:16, 23). Many would do well to practice the words of Paul in 1Thess 4:11, “ to be quiet, and to do your own business, and work with your own hands as we commanded you.”

When we can recognize the elements that may contribute to a fire burning in the church, we can avoid adding to the problem and even extinguish those fires that ignite around us.

Ted Parks
Vacaville, Ca.

Page 1 - Wrong Is Always Wrong | Page 2 - Where In The Bible Will I Find...
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies | Page 5 - The Christian In Business
Page 6 - Where Did The Bible Come From? | Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - Continuations
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations | Page 11 - The Children's Page
Page 12 - Announcements

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