Fruit of the Spirit

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth...Eph 5:9

Summer 2003                                                            Volume 4, Issue 3

I was in prison, and ye came unto me... Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matt. 25:36,40 Prison Report

By Larry West

I sincerely believe that we need more people from the Lord's church who would be willing to go into the jails and prisons and teach the Bible truth to those men and women who are incarcerated. Admittedly, some are not suited for the task. However, there surely must be more Christians who could put forth the effort if they truly thought it was a means of carrying out our Lord's great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

I’m sure there would be some who would confess to being too afraid to go. There are times when I get the thought that I am probably safer inside than I am on the outside! As a general rule there are officers who are ready to move into action at the slightest hint of trouble. Everyone who goes into a facility, other than to visit an inmate, is required to carry a whistle that summons help very rapidly. In the prisons, we are provided with alarms which set off very loud buzzers and activate lights to pinpoint the location of the trouble. Those going in are expected (and trained) to use good sense and judgment and there are rules and guidelines which must be observed. Over and above this, it is my belief that if I were to die doing the will of my heavenly Father I will be well off anyway.

There are so many people who are anxious to come in to these facilities to teach and preach from any and every kind of religious organization you can think of. I receive calls almost every week from folks wanting to do just that. However there seem to be few from the church that have much interest in doing so. I believe that if there is anybody who needs to know the truth, with the corresponding attempts to persuade them to obey it, it is those who obviously have been and are on the wrong road. Many of them are at a point where they realize that what they have been trying in the past doesn’t seem to be working, and some are willing to listen to an explanation of a better way. I wouldn't even be able to guess at the number of inmates who have told me that they are glad that they came to prison. They indicate that they never would have taken the time to read the Bible or even think about God if they hadn’t been arrested.

Some years ago the Gallup Poll organization conducted a survey of those who had gotten out of prison. They reported that of those who had been exposed to scriptural principles while in prison, who also accepted that the Bible was a good guidebook and source of direction, only 15 to 25 percent returned to prison. For the others the return rate is anywhere from 65 to 85 percent.

For those who might be willing to consider mission work in the corrections system, be aware that there are many obstacles in your way. (You didn't think the Devil would allow it to be easy did you?) Some who are in authority have a negative view of those from the churches of Christ and will be hesitant to facilitate your being able to come in. Some view the inmates as their church and don’t want them to have the opportunity of hearing someone else teaching the Bible to them. Most have training and orientation classes that you would have to arrange to fit into your schedule. Some will give you excuses and keep putting you off. (Remember, to be a successful gardener you have to have more persistence than a weed!)

You will not be allowed to say negative things about other religious organizations, but remember our purpose is to teach and preach the truth from God’s word. I found an interesting article some time ago which told how bank tellers are trained to detect counterfeit money. They are required to study thoroughly and diligently the real thing. Then, when the counterfeit comes along they can pick it out instantly. I believe the same is true with the Lord’s church and His word.

I hope that more will become interested in being involved in reaching the lost inside our prisons and jails. There are some that will listen to God’s truth. Let's give them the opportunity to hear it!

I was in prison, and ye came unto me... Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matt. 25:36,40

Page 1 - Jesus Loves The Little Children | Page 2 - Where In The Bible Will I Find...
Page 3 - Prison Report | Page 4 - Old Testament Studies | Page 5 - Where Did The Bible Come From?
Page 6 - Self Esteem, Part 1 | Page 7 - Christian Evidences | Page 8 - Same Sex Marriages?
Page 9 - The Christian Home | Page 10 - Continuations | Page 11 - The Children's Page
Page 12 - Announcements

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